
To avoid confusion and bring about harmony and common understanding in the implementation of activities, it is necessary for an organization such as ASDEPCO to have some policies that bind her functioning. It is in this regard that this policy manual has been prepared. The intention is for staff and members of the board of directors to have a common understanding of what has to be done at a given moment and by whom.

The policies enshrined in this manual are valid for five years from date of approval. After this period, they will be amended if need be. However, as the years go by, if there is the need, an addendum can be made to any section. The said addendum must be approved by the competent authority i.e. the chairperson of the Board of Directors or his/her delegated representative.

We would like to thank the board members and staff who participated in the drafting of these policies.

Done in Bamenda

July, 2021

Board Chairperson

1. Procurement Policy

1.1. Purpose

The purchase of goods and services is necessary for the smooth operation of the organization. The aim of the internal control system for the supplying of goods and services is to ensure orders are handled by individuals having skills in evaluating what purchases are required from suppliers offering the best deals, to ensure purchases made do not exceed the budget provided and to ensure purchased goods and services conform with the quantity and price specified in the order.

1.2. Methodology

ASDEPCO shall follow certain methods in purchasing goods, equipment and services required for the needs of the organization or its projects. Use of competitive bidding shall be a priority practice. The first criterion in choosing a supplier shall be the lowest bid. However, if a supplier does not provide the required level of service or an adequate guarantee, then other criteria shall also be considered. ASDEPCO shall specify in the purchase file the reasons the lowest bid was not chosen.

  • For purchases under FCFA 250,000 a price survey by the coordinator by telephone of some suppliers will be sufficient for determining the supplier.
  • For purchases above FCFA 250,000 a quotation/invoice shall be obtained from three local suppliers.
  • Purchases between FCFA 300,000 and 1,000,000 shall be approved by the coordinator. This shall include purchases to items ranging from computers and other office equipment and stationery. These would normally have been approved by the Board of Directors through the annual budget or some other appropriate and verifiable means. The purchase shall however be made through a committee set up by the coordinator to follow the procurement process from call for proforma invoices up to the supply and reception of the equipment.
  • Purchases above 1,000,000 shall be approved by the Board of Directors through the board chairperson. These include all other items as would have been formally approved in the budget for the year in which the purchase is made. In this case a committee shall be created to facilitate the procurement process.

The purchase file shall contain all the documents pertaining to each transaction, i.e. the call for quotations, contact information of suppliers, purchase contracts or orders, invoices, receipts, delivery slips, minutes of meetings related to the purchase and attendance list of members of the committee and any other related documents.


2.1. Purpose

To carry out its activities, ASDEPCO needs material resources. The quality of these resources is dependent upon how they are used. Material resources are in large part durable goods, which need to be well-managed and maintained in good condition. These goods include tables, chairs, shelves, computer and other ICT equipment, automobile equipment, buildings, and related accessories. The Fixed Assets Policy will aim for:

  • precise identification of goods that are part of the asset base;
  • sensible use of goods;
  • periodic taking of physical inventory;
  •  effective maintenance of goods;
  •  replenishment of goods when required.

2.2. Procedures

At ASDEPCO, the management of material resources is the responsibility of the accountant under the supervision of the coordinator. The procedures involved in managing these resources are:

  • receiving and recording goods;
  • using goods properly;
  •  maintaining goods;
  •  taking inventory of goods;
  •  disposing of goods.

2.3. Asset inventory

The purpose of the inventory is the physical monitoring of the items belonging to the organization or to her partners. The inventory makes it possible to detect differences between information about goods in the records and the actual state of goods. Inventory is usually done once a year and is the responsibility of the finance department. When done a comprehensive report of the inventory situation is presented to the Board of Directors for appraisal and decision making.

2.4. Procedures

The inventory procedure is composed of the following steps:

  • Creation of record cards on which is found:
  • Type of item
  • Description of item
  • Identification code
  • Service user
  • Assigned location
  • Notes on condition of item
  • Record updates
  • Minutes of physical inventory
  • Removal of an item from inventory
  • Replacement of an item
  • List of annual needs

2.5. Removal of items

The inventory procedure described above permits the identification of dilapidated or defective goods whose presence in office is more of inconveniences than advantages for various reasons:

  • steep rise in operating or maintenance expenses;
  • excessive cost of repair
  • any other objective reason;
  • Asset is out-dated or obsolete.

The Board of Directors is the only authority to give the authorization to take out of service, transfer or dispose of any items and that should be noted in a document duly transmitted to the finance department. They will decide whether the asset should be sold, donated to other needy organizations or individuals, dumped or simply destroyed.

Finance Policy

3.1. Sources of Funds

ASDEPCO receives funds from the following sources:

  1. Project proposal supported funds.
    Annual membership contributions.
    iii. Income from short term professional services and consultancy assignments.
    iv. Grants and donations received from philanthropic organizations, government and individuals.
3.2. Signatories to Cheques Books

The Board of directors will designate signatories to various bank accounts. Money can be released by the bank with the signatures of at least two signatories for all accounts. Signatories will not sign cheques which are payable to themselves for services rendered. They will not also sign blank cheques. Cheques should be filled in completely (with payee, amount in words and figures, and date) before they are presented to signatories. They cheques should be accompanied by a request for withdrawal, clearly stating the reason for which the funds are needed.  The signatories to the particular cheque shall also sign the request for withdrawal.

3.3. Types of Accounts

The following three types of accounts will be maintained by ASDEPCO:

a. Bank Accounts

All accounts operated in the name of ASDEPCO are referred to bank accounts. The board of directors decides when to open and close an account depending on the need. However, management is also allowed to open accounts only for the purpose of facilitating her work, but these must have been approved by an act of the board chairperson or his/her delegated representative. Each bank account will have different signatories and instructions given to the finance department on how to run these account e.g. accounts for specific projects, reserves accounts, sustainability accounts, etc.

b. Project accounts

Where a particular donor or funder so requires, an account will be opened for the operation of funds for the particular project. When the project ends, such an account will be closed within one month once the final payment has been received and reports approved by the funding partner in question.

c. Petty Cash Fund

A petty cash fund of FCFA 300,000 is kept to cover payments not exceeding FCFA 300,000 at a time. The cashier will handle this account and maintain a petty cash book for that purpose and the amount is to be liquidated every month. However, cash has to be always available in this fund. The coordinator will ensure proper handling of petty cash fund through surprise checks. The accountant should make sure that there are detail cash counts at least once in three months.

3.4. Payment Methods

 a. Cash payments

Cash payments are effected via petty cash, which is operated from the office. The Coordinator or his/her assistant must authorize all payments by petty cash using the imprest system:

  1. The staff in need of cash fills out an imprest voucher, clearly indicating the purpose for want of cash and presents it to the coordinator/accountant for authorization. Staff that are still to justify an earlier imprest cannot be granted another except otherwise.
  2. The approved imprest is then presented to the cashier for payment. The cashier has to make sure that the imprest is properly approved by the competent authority.
  3. The cashier then releases an amount equal to that on the imprest voucher against the signature of the staff who has presented it.
  4. The cashier then preserves the interest for subsequent justifications (valid receipts) from the staff in question within 48 hours after the task has been executed.
  5. When the staff produces the said justifications, the cashier indicates in red across the imprest voucher the words “Reconciled” or “Cleared” and the date. The cleared imprest voucher is then filed in a folder while the receipts are preserved for processing by the accountant. Reconciled imprest vouchers can be destroyed once in three months upon clear reconciliation of the accounts by the accountant.
  6. Another staff designated by the coordinator may sign an imprest that is not more than FCFA 250,000.
  7. Staff are not allowed to spend an excess of 5% of the amount that had been duly approved. Where it becomes necessary, the competent authority must be consulted.
  8. Other justifications (with no prior imprest voucher) backed by receipts may also be presented for settlement provided the amount is not more than FCFA 50.000 (twenty thousand). Such payments must be approved by the coordinator or his assistant.
  9. In the accounting department, receipts are grouped per kind of expense and then analyzed on the payment voucher to suit budgetary recommendations for the year in question.
  10. Payment vouchers are certified by the coordinator for the sake of transparent management of all funds.
  11. The Board, through internal controllers, checks the payments once in two years and makes a report with recommendations for improvement.

b. Bank / Cheque payments

All bank payments are to be prepared by the accountant. Situations requiring payment by cheque include the following:

  • Bills;
  • Transfer of funds;
  • Payments by bank transfers (wages, salaries, etc);
  • Need for cash in the office for day-to-day activities;
  1. A bank withdrawal request form is filled clearly indicating the purpose for the need of funds. Once verified and confirmed, a cheque equal to the amount is also drawn.
  2. The form is presented to the coordinator for verification and signing.
  3. Next, the cheque is presented to the signatories for signature.
  4. The cheque is then ready for presentation at the bank for payment and then
  5. placed at the disposal of the beneficiary for cashing.
  6. Where the money is meant for office petty cash: the amount cashed shall be paid to the cashier against a receipt.

 c. Cash Receipts:

Cash Receipts will be generated from cash received in the office for various activities carried out by ASDEPCO, which necessitate payment by the beneficiary. Such receipts must be triplicate, numbered and on ASDEPCO’s headed paper:

    1. Upon reception of the amount, the cashier raises a receipt clearly indicating the payer’s name and address, the amount received (in words and figures) and a description of the motive for the receipt.
    2. The receipt is signed by the payer and receiver.
    3. The original of the receipt goes to the client; a duplicate copy is reserved to be filed alongside payment vouchers as backup, while the triplicate copy is maintained in the receipt booklet for any cross checking.

d.Bank Receipts:

    1. All movements that have to do with augmenting ASDEPCO’s balance will be treated as bank receipts. These will consist of transfers; cheques received and deposited in the bank, interests credited, transfer by partners & clients, etc.
    2. Such credits are registered with justifications such as credit notes, bills for settlement, deposit slips, bank transfer certificates, debit notes, etc.


These are all transactions that have to do with reducing money in ASDEPCO’s coffers:

  1. Bills and other payments above FCFA 500,000 shall be settled by cheque except at the voluntary request of the beneficiary.
  2. Other bills less than FCFA 500,000 can be settled using petty cash.
3.5. Accounting Procedures
  1. Financial Statements: The accounting year runs from 1st January to 31st The financial statements are prepared under the historic cost convention. They are prepared by the accountant, reviewed by the coordinator and approved by the Board.
  2. External Audits: An accredited auditor will be selected to audit the accounts each year for five years, a period equal to that for a running strategic plan. Once the audit is complete and opinion stated by the auditor, the Board shall then give her approval.
  3. Depreciation: Fixed Assets are stated at cost less depreciation. Depreciation is provided on a straight-line basis to write off the cost of the fixed assets over their expected useful lives at the rate provided for by the General Tax Code.
  4. Investments: investments are made only by a decision of the Board of Directors. Dividends from investments are accounted for on a receipt basis.
  5. Foreign currencies: Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at the rates of exchange ruling at the respective dates of the transactions. At the balance date, balances denominated in foreign currencies are translated into FCFA at the rates ruling at that date. Gains or losses on exchange are recognized in the income and expenditure account.
3.6. Budget setting
  1. 12 monthly income and expenditure budgets will be prepared by the management team in time for amendment and approval by the Board of directors.
  2. The approved budget will be used as a base to construct a cash-flow forecast for the year, which will be updated quarterly by the finance department.
  3. Management is not allowed to spend more than 25% on a budget expenditure head except with clearance from the board chairperson.
  4. Each semester and then annually, the accountant will provide an analysis of how the budget has been executed per the activities carried out.
3.7. Financial monitoring and audit

All budget holders will receive appropriate, regular reports of income and expenditure against budget. Annual financial reports and budget analysis must be presented to the board of directors by February of the following year. Audited accounts must be ready by the end of June in the following year.

Travels and Missions

  • All official missions must be sanctioned by an official mission order duly signed by the competent authority prior to the start of the mission.
  • All transport or costs thereof to and from the location of the mission is the responsibility of ASDEPCO.
  • At the end of the mission, the person concerned shall write a report which has to be approved by the person who approved of the going on mission.
  • On official mission, an employee is paid a mission (out-of-station) allowance for lodging and feeding whose rates of payment are fixed as follows:


Rate per night within Region

Rate per night out of Region

Rate per night out of the country

Mission order

Mission order claims

Board Member




Board chair

Coordinator, if amount does not exceed the initial order





Board chair

Accountant if amount does not exceed 10 nights

Other staff





Accountant if amount does not exceed initial order

NB: Members, staff and volunteers who are on mission with lodging paid directly by a partner shall receive the sum of 3,000frs daily as allowance.  This does not however apply for missions out of the country.

Staff and Payroll

  1. Categories of staff: ASDEPCO will have two categories of staff – permanent and temporary. Permanent staff are all those with contracts that are signed by the Board chairperson. The coordinator may accept temporary staff (interns, volunteers) depending on the availability of work for them in consultation with the Board chairperson.
  2. Determination of salaries: The BOD shall determine the salary for all categories of staff. They shall affix a category of the labor code to which the salary corresponds at start.
  3. Pay slips: They are prepared by the accountant and approved by the coordinator before payment. The Board approves payment for the coordinator. However, the accountant may visa the pay slip of the coordinator if the amount remains as stated by the BOD
  4. Consultants: The coordinator may hire the services of a consultant to perform specific services for a fixed period of time against a service fee agreed by both parties. Such a fee must not exceed budgetary allocations for the project under which the consultant will work.
  5. Payroll deductions: The accountant must make sure that all statutory payroll deductions are made and paid to the state within the time limits.
  6. Salary Increase: The accountant will every two years move staff from one incremental position to the next following the rules and regulations in force.
  7. Advance salaries: Permanent employees who have been serving for at least a year may take an advance salary for up to 1 month. Such advances must be reimbursed within four months.

The board is responsible for:

  • Approving the budget for the year.
  • Approving signatories to the bank accounts.
  • Approving financial and narrative reports of management.
  • Appointment of staff where it is not delegated to the coordinator.
  • Receiving reports from the Management team.
  • Approving exceptional items of expenditure.
  • Monitoring and controlling management actions.
 Power of dutyResponsible
Signature  XX
PurchasesOrder X  
Control of receipts X  
Inventory control X  
Stocks custodyX   
Inventory evaluation   XX
CashAuthorization to pay  X 
Accounting X  
BankingCheque establishment X  
Cheque signature  XX
Cheque book custody X  
Accounting X  
Fixed assetsAcquisition   X
Evaluation  XX
Classification/coding X  
Management XX 
Depreciation  X  
Disposal   X
Financial reportsPreparation X  
Review  X 
Approval   X
External audit approval   X
BudgetsPreparation XX 
Review  XX
Control/execution XX 
Approval   X
StaffingHiring/appointment   X
Management/control  X 
Promotion   X
Dismissal   X

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