Reforesting degraded water catchment areas in some local communities in the North West Region of Cameroon is an important initiative to protect water resources. Planting trees in these critical watersheds will help replenish water supplies, prevent erosion, and provide other environmental benefits to local communities.

Combating climate change through tree planting in schools and communities is a practical effort to reduce Cameroon’s carbon footprint. By educating youth and engaging residents in tree planting events, this project will help mitigate the effects of climate change and build awareness.

How we help with other ways?

  • Combat climate change through community tree planting.
  • Economically empower women and girls.
  • Conserve biodiversity in the Lake Oku forest.
  • Support HIV-positive women with business start-ups in Bamenda.
  • Improve income for subsistence farmers through crops and livestock.
  • Engage women in decision-making in Oku.
  • Provide functional literacy training for rural women and girls.
  • Promote peace between farmers, grazers, and stakeholders.
  • Empower small-scale farmers with seeds, inputs, and organic techniques.
  • Build capacity for sustainable bee farming and honey production on Mount Oku.

Join us to uplift Cameroon through education, health, and community growth.

Our mission

Our Mission to sustainably uplift lives in Cameroon through innovative strategies that build community potential and efficiently manage resources.

Help Them

The people of Cameroon face immense challenges. But we can uplift our shared humanity and create positive change through donation.Please give generously today to reputable charities serving the Cameroonian people.

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