Asdepco Redeems Her Pledge Of 150.000frs To Hope Social Union For The Visually Impaired Visually Impaired (Hsuvi)

Cognizant to the Celebrations of the World Brail Day  which was celebrated by ASDEPCO alongside Hope Social Union for the visually Impaired Visually Impaired (HSUVI) on the on the 4th of January 2023 in the HSUVI Head office Mile 4 Nkwen Bamenda, the CEO of ASDEPCO in an attempt to foster the work of HSUVI in fostering the rights of persons with Disability, pledged to support the organization which was at its startup level with office equipment amounting to One Hundred and Fifty Thousand francs (150.000FRS) .

Action for Sustainable Development And Environmental Protection for Communities (ASDEPCO) has redeemed the pledge made to its partner organization, Hope Social Union For the Visually Impaired (HSUVI) made during the launch of the HSUVI head office on January 4th  2023. 

Five months after having entered a memorandum of understanding, ASDEPCO has donated two desktop computers, two computer speakers, as well as a UPS device to the HSUVI Office Space to help boost the Information Communication Technology training component of the latter.

Board chair Speech

Speaking at the reception ceremony which took place on Saturday September 2nd 2023 at the HSUVI head office mile 4 Nkwen Bamenda, the Board Chair and adviser of the ASDEPCO, Prince Ngwieh Michaelson Sah observed that the donations worth 150,000 FCFA was in line with the shared vision of both organizations which is that of ensuring disability inclusion but most particularly, the inclusion of persons with visual impairments through digital literacy. He was pleased with the proactive and assertive nature of HSUVI’s virtues which he had observed ever since the launch of her office space, qualities which suitcase organizations may need to copy.

“This is just the genesis of our partnership fruits in our long walk towards disability inclusion, given that the empowerment of persons with visual impairments does not end only with digital literacy”. ASDEPCO is equally committed to placing its human resource like staff at the disposal of HSUVI for the transcription of Braille scripts of students with visual impairments outside the University of Bamenda. Prince Ngwieh Michaelson announced.

On his part the president of the recipient organization, Mr. Peter Tonain who doubles as the principal adapted Information trainer being flanked by some members of his executive council as well as a representation of members from the general assembly expressed their profound gratitude to the donor organization, with a promise on behalf of HSUVI to put the equipment to judicious use. “We again renew our pledge to stand by ASDEPCO in matters relating to disability inclusion and particularly the inclusion of persons with visual impairments as stated in our partnership agreement”. Mr. Tonain submitted.

Judging from the facial expressions of all who took part at this handing over ceremony, the lesson one takes home is that politicians, service providers and other stakeholders in the disability sector do have quite much to learn from the ASDEPCO example as far as making and delivering promises is concerned.

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